All college policies and procedures, unless expressly stated otherwise, apply to:
- all faculty and staff;
- all students, regardless of instructional delivery mode;
- the EGSC Swainsboro, Statesboro, Augusta locations;
- all off campus dual enrollment high school locations; and
- all college sponsored events regardless of location.
Section 1 through Section 15 below is a compilation of the official policies and procedures of East Georgia State College.
- Interim Policy on Revised Position Titles and Unit Names Due to Reorganization
- EGSC Organizational Chart (PDF)
- EGSC - Augusta (PDF)
- EGSC - Statesboro (PDF)
- Academic Affairs (PDF)
- Athletics (PDF)
- Business Affairs (PDF)
- Enrollment Management (PDF)
- Information Technology (PDF)
- Institutional Advancement (PDF)
- Police Department (PDF)
- Student Affairs (PDF)